Filter list based on user input with jQuery

I have a list of songs and I want users to be able to filter them by entering a text box. Here's what I'm doing now:

  $("#filter_song_list").keyup(function() {
    var filter = new RegExp($(this).val(), "i");

    $("ul.song_list a").each(function(){
      if (!$(this).text().match(filter)) {
      } else {


  • Is this the correct approach?
  • Since I am interpreting user input as a regex, it cannot search for songs with (say) a period in the title without its first output ("."). How can I fix this while keeping the search case insensitive?

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3 answers

The easiest way to do what you ask (no better performance-wise than your solution):

change the filter to be user input, not regex.

change the filter line to:

if ($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf($.trim(filter.toLowerCase())) > -1) {




Choose your regex before executing it :

var pattern = $(this).val().replace(/([.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
var filter = new RegExp(pattern , "i");


However, you are just doing a case-insensitive search of the string within the string. You don't need regular expressions for this. @ mkoryak's answer is more suitable for you IMO.

I would say jQuery's built-in contains

psuedo selector
was perfect for you, but it's case sensitive.



First of all, make a cached link to your elements to speed things up:

var cache = $("ul.song_list a");


Then do a simple string match using jQuery function filter()

and hide()

matched elements:

cache.filter(function ()
    return $(this).text().toLower().indexOf( <value from input> ) < 1;


Last snippet of code:

$(function ()
    var cache = $("ul.song_list a");

    $("#filter_song_list").keyup(function ()
        var val = $(this).val();

        cache.filter(function ()
            return $(this).text().toLower().indexOf(val) < 1;




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