How to compare / merge between XIB files?

I have two XIB files. The first one edited by my friend to add features and the other edited by me and add other features. My problem is, how can I combine the two files? I know XIB files are XML based and I can use some comparison tools to combine them. But I think there will be some conflicts. What's the best way to compare or merge between XIB files?

Thanks a lot guys. sasayins


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2 answers

You can open them both in BBEdit and using BBEdit's compare function.

In Xcode, you can merge by opening the XIB files as a text file. Then you have to do the nontrivial task of finding differences in one and copying and pasting into another file.

In the future, it will be easier for your friend to create a new XIB file that you either concatenate or just use separately, rather than to share and combine the XIB.



It is probably easier to keep both versions with different names, open both in Interface Builder and copy changes from one version to the other. Many changes are not obvious when checked out (added / removed connections, name changes, class changes, etc.), but if you have an idea of ​​what changed, this is the easiest way to merge.



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