Why is this regex not matching whitespace?

I have the following regex:



It fits this simply:



However, if I replace a with a space, it doesn't work:

1,' ':1,R


Why doesn't it match ? ? Is the space unclassified as a character? I can't use \ s because I don't want to match tabs and line breaks. I've also tried:

([0-9]+),'(.| )':([0-9]+),(L|R|'.')


But that doesn't work either (and mine doesn't IgnorePatternWhitespace



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3 answers

I cannot reproduce what you see:

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class Test
    static void Main()
        Regex regex = new Regex("([0-9]+),'(.)':([0-9]+),(L|R|'.')");
        Console.WriteLine(regex.IsMatch("1,' ':1,R"));


prints "True".

Is it possible that you have another character between the quotes? Some kind of unprintable character? Where is the text?

You can try changing it to:



so it can match multiple characters between quotes.



I haven't tried in .NET, but the point is the language and concrete implementation. Try:

([0-9]+),'([.| ])':([0-9]+),(L|R|'.')




Use \ 0x0020 which will match one space.



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