Are there any open standards for server failure?

I am creating a client-server application and I am considering adding failover for the client so that when the server is down it will try to connect to another available server. Are there any standards or specifications related to server failure? I would rather use an existing standard than implement my own mechanism.


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3 answers

I don't have it, or I should have it. It's pretty straight forward and it all depends on how you can connect to your jack, but basically you need to keep sending messages / keepalives / heartbeats what you want to call em, and when it fails (or n fails in a row if you want) change the switch in your config.

Typically the above will run as a separate service on the client machine. Altenativly, you can create a method execution handler that handles all the server calls you make and if the connection fails, in the "catch" block, click your switch in config



You are a very general question. here are some general answers: Google for Fault Tolerant Computing

Google for high availability solutions



This is usually done either at the load balancer or at the server level. This is not what you usually do in code on the client.

Typically, you type servers many times, each with its own IP + shared by everyone. In addition, they communicate with each other via tcp in order for the heartbeat to know which is the active node in the active / passive cluster.

I can't tell you what servers you have, but most Windows servers can do this natively.

You might ask a question on serverfault to see how to properly configure the servers to support this.



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