Chrome vertical scrollbar not working when url has # at the end

I had an intermittent problem that I thought was caused by uncleared floats. What's going on in Chrome (my main development browser), the vertical scrollbar is blocked at the top position and I can't scroll down the page. Initially, when the page starts to load, you will be able to scroll, and then when the page loads, it will go back to the beginning and lock itself.

I've just been tearing through pages looking at uncleared floats and missing tags, and finally found out that this is due to the url having a # at the end (which gets programmatically and remains when I refresh the page).

This issue only occurs in chrome - it doesn't seem to happen in other webkit browsers.

I guess he looks for an anchor and doesn't find it and then refuses. This is definitely a bug, but was wondering about a workaround or why this is only done on my site - I cannot duplicate it like here .

Slide the url you want to open in the new browser :

URL to be blocked: / faq #

URL that is not blocked (same but without #): / faq


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1 answer

For me, the solution was in the style of a popup div: I needed to make sure that a div with z-index and no float, but surrounded by floating divs, got styled float:none

and an explicit width (the floating one was unnecessary since it was absolutely positioned). I have a thread running through here.



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