Should DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument bubble?

I've always thought that DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument / DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument events shouldn't bubble, and that's quite effective for me. However, I recently reviewed the spec again and found out that in one place it says that these events should not bubble ( Complete List of Event Types ), while elsewhere it says that they should ( DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument and DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument ).

I also searched the web and found several implementations, they all differ in the implemented behavior.

The question is: should these events actually bubble up? What do you think makes more sense?

Refresh . Found that there is no ambiguity in the DOM-Level-2-Events specification as it mentions these events in one place.

Update 2 . This question was asked to test the behavior of these events in the Ample SDK Ajax Framework, which aims to implement all standards-based technologies.


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2 answers

I would go with "No, as Level 2 Events, which is a proper Recommendation that has been around for a long time and has bugs that don't include anything to do with it. DOM Level 3 Events is just a working group note and still WD, which in many cases is unsatisfactory.



I think you've already discovered that they shouldn't bubble. But this is a moot point for a practical developer because they are not supported by IE, which still has ~ 80% of the market. :-(



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