I have the following SQL QUERY:

SELECT articles.name, articles.price, users.zipcode FROM articles INNER JOIN users ON users.id = articles.user_id WHERE vectors @@ to_tsquery ('crime') ORDER BY articles.price ASC

And I would like to write it inside find method from ActiveRecord class named "Articles" (articles are owned by user). Basically I want to search for articles and access the zipcode profile from User (user has_many Articles)

I wrote the following version, but I'm not sure if it works because I am not getting any information about custom zipcode in the answer.

a = Article.find (: all ,: conditions => "vectors @@ to_tsquery ('crime')" ,: joins =>: user ,: order =>: price ,: include =>: user)

But I have no idea how to access the zipcode information. how can i access this information? is this the right approach?




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1 answer

If you linked Articles

and Users

as you say above, it should be pretty simple:

@articles = Article.find(:all, :conditions => "…", :include => :user)


Then, in your opinion, you can do:

<% for each article in @articles do %>
  <li><%= article.user.zipcode %></li>
<% end %>


This works because Rails creates a property for the parent object ( User

) in the model ( Article

) - you can read more about this in the API docs . This even works without the "include" key above, but excluding it would mean querying the database at every step of the loop.

