.NET RIA Services and Custom Data Model - CRUD Capabilities

I would like to ".NET RIA Service" - use my custom data model (BLL / DAL). Are there interfaces I have to implement to enable this functionality, or all I have to do is create a domain service? If so, how do I tell my domain services about my BLL? Astoria needs to implement IQueryable and IUpdatable interfaces for CRUD capabilities. Is this the same for RIA services?


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All you have to do is create a DomainService. The DomainService will have methods like GetMyObjects () and InsertObject (MyObject object) that return or accept objects for your BLL - how you tell the DomainService about your classes. The Get *** () methods in DomainService should return a generic IQueryable, but you don't need to implement it yourself. There's an extension method AsQueryable () that I believe can be used on a generic list, IEnumerable or Array, which converts any list of objects to IQueryable. It should be easy enough to create a DomainService to migrate an existing BLL. Brad Abrams has a great post describing this scenario:http://blogs.msdn.com/brada/archive/2009/07/22/business-apps-example-for-silverlight-3-rtm-and-net-ria-services-july-update-part-6- poco-and-authentication-provider.aspx



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