How can I remove Perforce changelog items mistakenly marked as conflicting?

I have a few .refresh files that somehow found their way in my default pending changelists, and from there somehow conflicts with their depot colleagues started showing up.

They are invulnerable, unsolvable, I ruled out that the files are being compared using the instructions on the perforce website, and yet these jobs still show up in the pending changelog.

There are a few other nonsensical things like .sln files, etc. that are really getting in the way of all the proper files that we are actually trying to install from the source. This is very annoying for everyone to know to ignore them when we are trying to release something or merge branches.

So how the hell do you get rid of these totally fake things? I even tried to delete the files they referenced (as they weren't completely needed), but still doesn't get permission.


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3 answers

Well, it looks like nobody has an answer, and I don't want the wrong answers to be automatically accepted, so I'll agree with that.




After deleting the files, .refresh

check them back in your pending changelog. (Perforce should be clear about everything you do on the filesystem.) If these files mistakenly find their way in your repository, you should consider removing them. If you don't want to delete them in the repository, but want to be able to create your own versions without conflicts, you can sync with #none

and Perforce will ignore them.

The discussion on " Can you" ignore "a file in Perforce? Offers a number of solutions to the larger problem of persuading Perforce to ignore files, including:

  • Add negative client BOM mapping to exclude generated files for Perforce reasons
  • Add server side commit triggers that will reject changelists with files that shouldn't be versioned


The answer really depends on what end state you want.

A) No copy in perforce, local copy on disk:

  • Disconnect the local copy.
  • Undo changes with p4 or in P4V
  • Forcefully delete files or even better erase them
  • Move local copies into place
  • Make sure you don't add p4 files in the future. for example With a trigger to send.

Note. If you delete, other workspaces (like other developers) may lose files.

B) The default is the default copy, with a local copy to write to disk:

  • Disconnect the local copy.
  • Undo changes with p4 or in P4V
  • p4 change files, change filetype + w
  • Send files.
  • Move the backup over the recording files.


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