RIPEMD-160 vs. SHA-256

Can anyone shed some light on SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160 which algorithm is usually faster and what are the performance and space metrics, if any? By space comparisons, I do not mean 160 bits and 256 bits, but what is the collision rate, the difference in space requirements in env production. and time to calculate both. Is RIPEMD-160 a requirement for European countries? Any additional information that would be helpful in making a decision.


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3 answers

As far as SHA-256 is concerned, there are no known collisions. I believe that while some advances have been made in creating collisions in SHA-1 faster than brute force, that they are still impractical and certainly not applicable to SHA-256.

I am not very familiar with RIPEMD-160, so I cannot say much about it.




can be used for any message size, and SHA

- 2^64-1

. and RIPMD-160

takes 160 steps during the process, while it SHA

takes only 80. I think it's RIPMD-160




Is RIPEMD-160 required for European countries?




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