Populating DataTable using LINQ in C #

I have a method in my application that populates with DataTable

data using the following code:

DataTable dt = this.attachmentsDataSet.Tables["Attachments"];

foreach (Outlook.Attachment attachment in this.mailItem.Attachments)
    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
    dr["Index"] = attachment.Index;
    dr["DisplayName"] = String.Format(
        "{0} ({1})", 
    dr["Name"] = attachment.FileName;
    dr["Size"] = attachment.Size;



I was wondering if the same functionality could be achieved using LINQ to shorten this code a bit. Any ideas?


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3 answers

Well this code is not shorter or Linq, but I used an externsion method that takes an IList and turns it into a DataTable for you.

    public static DataTable ToDataTable<T>(this IList<T> theList)
        DataTable theTable = CreateTable<T>();
        Type theEntityType = typeof(T);

        // Use reflection to get the properties of the generic type (T)
        PropertyDescriptorCollection theProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(theEntityType);

        // Loop through each generic item in the list
        foreach (T theItem in theList)
            DataRow theRow = theTable.NewRow();

            // Loop through all the properties
            foreach (PropertyDescriptor theProperty in theProperties)
                // Retrieve the value and check to see if it is null
                object thePropertyValue = theProperty.GetValue(theItem);
                if (null == thePropertyValue)
                    // The value is null, so we need special treatment, because a DataTable does not like null, but is okay with DBNull.Value
                    theRow[theProperty.Name] = DBNull.Value;
                    // No problem, just slap the value in
                    theRow[theProperty.Name] = theProperty.GetValue(theItem);


        return theTable;




Yes, Easy

    public void FillFromList(List<T> col)
        Type elementType = typeof(T);

        // Nested query of generic element list of property
        // values (using a join to the DataTable columns)
        var rows = from row in col
                   select new
                       Fields = from column in m_dataTable.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
                                join prop in elementType.GetProperties()
                                  on column.Caption equals prop.Name
                                select prop.GetValue(row, null)

        // Add each row to the DataTable
        int recordCount = 0;
        foreach ( var entry in rows )


This assumes that the properties on T are the same as the columns of the DataTable.



You first determine if you can query this.mailItem.Attachments

and if possible, you can convert the query result to datatable from Steve Sloka's create extension method ...



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