IIS7 shows welcome screen in Firefox, Internet Explorer works correctly

Has anyone faced the following problem: I have IIS7 running on my computer. On the same computer, I open IE7 and the site works ( http: //localhost/web.site/Default.aspx ). Put the same url in Firefox 3 and I get an IIS7 welcome screen, a big image with IIS7 in the middle, and a "Welcome" in several different languages. Clicking on the image will take you tohttp://www.iis.net/ .


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3 answers

One browser accesses your server via and the other via your external IP.

Make sure the virtual host works with all network interfaces.



Maybe your browsers have different local networks set up, just guessing since I didn't use IIS7



It's strange. It happened to me this morning (April 9, 2009), but vice versa. I tried to get to Dell.ca. IE7 took me to the IIS7 welcome screen, and Firefox took me to the correct site. Happened 3 times before he corrected himself.

I don't have IIS on my network and my default home page is Google which came up with no problem. The redirect happened when I typed in a new URL. I wonder if Dell is using IIS7 ...



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