Get a copy of files from ClearCase

We're just going from VSS to ClearCase and it's almost impossible to know how :-( I need a script (using ClearTool?) Something like VSS-GetLatest, i.e. copy the folder and all its contents to the Windows folder

Any hints (in short, please, as I'm new to this!)


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2 answers

I would take the most important labels from VSS and import them inside ClearCase. You can use the 'clearfsimport' utility like a script.



  • If you have data in VOB, then you need to access the LAST branch " main

    ", you need to define a view.
    I recommend dynamic view as a starting point for quickly viewing data.
    See this question for creating views .

  • if you still need to import data into your VOBS, clearfsimport is a good option.
    See here and here .



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