Generating objective-c code on the Windows platform

I was doing iphone development and I could use iphone-dev toolchain to build on ARM platform. Is it possible to build objective-c code for x86?

What should I have used to create another toolchain? Perhaps with cygwin.


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2 answers

GCC will compile Objective-C code no matter what platform you are on.

However, Cocoa frameworks only exist on Mac and iPhone operating systems. One alternative might be GNUStep , but that will only give you "Cocoa" as far as Mac OS X 10.3 is concerned.

There are other projects like CocoaSharp and MonObjc that try to hide other languages ​​before Cocoa and vice versa, but I'm not very familiar with them.

So, you can write in Objective-C for any architecture supported by GCC, buy only ready-made Cocoa framework code on Mac.



There is also Cocotron . There's a good article on how it was used for the Windows desktop client port for the iPhone app (FileMagnet) in Adventure in Cocotron .



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