How do I hide a child dialog from the taskbar in an MFC application?

I am opening a child dialog from the parent dialog. I've included the Minimize property among the properties of the child dialog box. But if you click the "Minimize" button, then the child dialog is minimized in the left corner of the screen instead of the Windows taskbar. How can I solve this?


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2 answers

As your child dialog box is to be extended style, containing WS_EX_APPWINDOW

(in addition to the top-level window).



If I remember correctly, the "child" dialog must be a top-level dialog if you want it to be present on the taskbar.

In other words, when creating your child dialog, the parent must set NULL or GetDesktopWindow (). I guess it depends on how your child dialog is created.

This will help if you've included the code you are using to create the child dialog.



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