SQL Aggregates without GROUP BY
I am trying to determine if there is a way to do this elegantly. I have a request:
SELECT TASK.*, PROJCOST.act_cost, PROJCOST.target_cost
FROM task
LEFT OUTER JOIN projcost ON task.task_id = projcost.task_id
I just found out that PROJCOST.target_cost and act_cost are not 1 to 1 and need to be summed. I understand how to use SUM and GROUP BY, but what I'm trying to find in an elegant way is not need to describe every one of the fields of the TASK table in the GROUP BY (there are about 100 fields and yes, I need all columns).
I also realize that I can move this to the code level and select only the task list and then execute another query to get the cost data. I was hoping to avoid this.
Also, I cannot make it a stored proc because it is not my database.
Any ideas?
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IsNull(allprojcosts.total_act_cost, 0) AS total_act_cost,
IsNull(allprojcosts.total_target_cost, 0) AS total_target_cost
FROM task
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT task_id, Sum(act_cost) AS total_act_cost, Sum(target_cost) AS total_target_cost
FROM projcost) allprojcosts ON task.task_id = allprojcosts.task_id
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For the benefit of anyone looking for this, window functions are a convenient way to do SUM, COUNT, etc. without the need for GROUP BY - if you would otherwise get an error:
"... is not valid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or a GROUP BY clause."
Using empty OVER ()
, aggregates span the entire query result set:
SUM(Col3) OVER () AS SumCol3,
COUNT(Col1) OVER () AS NumRows
FROM Table1
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