Installation project creation problem

I am working on a tool to simplify application deployment. So I am trying to automate the build of the setup project.

Situation: When I use Visual Studio to create a setup project, it creates msi and exe files and exits successfully. The problem occurs when I run the command on the command line, I keep getting this error "ERROR: Cannot find project output group outputs" (Unable to determine name) "

Command line command:

C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ Common7 \ IDE> devenv "C: \ Project Directory \ Project.Setup.vdproj" / Build

Can anyone help me with this. I am really stuck.

EDIT: The solution to my problem was to create a solution containing the setup project and the project, which is actually the output of the setup project.

C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ Common7 \ IDE> devenv "C: \ Project Directory \ Project.Setup.sln" / Build

Thanks everyone.


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2 answers

You cannot do this.

The problem is that you have defined your inputs to the setup project as outputs from other projects in the solution. You must build a complete solution to use this method.

You can do this, but you need to manually link all the files you want into your setup project. It's a little tricky, but just as doable.



I suspect you have a setup project that references the output of another project. in this case you need to use

devenv [solutionname] /build


the reason you are getting the error is because visual studio did not compile the said project.

Note: if you are trying to automate a build in 2005 or later, I would research wix as it automates using msbuild.



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