Cakephp: can Model-> find ('all') return results without model name

Using Model-> find ('all') returns an array with the following structure:

  0 => array('Model1' => array(/* Model1 fields*/), 'Model2' => array(/* Model2 fields*/), ...),
  1 => array('Model1' => array(/* Model1 fields*/), 'Model2' => array(/* Model2 fields*/), ...),


When one model is requested (i.e. recursive = -1), is it possible to return the results as an array with the following structure:

array(0 => /* Model1 fields*/, 1 => /* Model1 fields*/, etc...)


I thought I was reading this somewhere a while ago, but can't figure out how to do it or if it's possible.


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3 answers

You can also change this aftersave method of the model to return $ data ['Modelname'] after the query is done ... Basically it would be basically an array offset and you would only have $ arrayname ['fieldname'], and not $ arrayname ['Model'] ['fieldname']. Is this what you asked?



How about this? works in php 5.4+

$result = array_map( function ($elem) {
        return $elem['YourModelName'] ;
    } ,$this->Tagcloud-> find('all')


For older php versions you need to iterate after getting the results



Perhaps you are thinking of related models that can be returned this way? AFAIK Cake's query results are pretty standardized and that's a good thing.

    0 => array(
        'Model' => array(
        'belongsTo/hasOneModel' => array(
        'habtm/hasManyModel' => array(
            0 => array(
            1 => array(
    1 => array(
        'Model' => array(


As you can see, related HABTM or hasMany models are returned in a "flat" array, but the base model must always contain the model name.



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