Connecting MySQL C ++ Database

I'm not a DB expert, so I'm looking for advice for a web system I'm thinking of.

The general setup of the system I have is that it will have a web interface (possibly PHP) for login, etc., and some C ++ code running on the server does some processing. Both PHP and C ++ code need read / write access to the MySQL database.

So, (1) What is the best way to access / update a MySQL database using C ++?

(2) Are there any problems / things I should be aware of with a DB that has parallel access from both PHP and C ++. I'm kind of guessing DB is keeping an eye on all of this ...




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3 answers

The DB must take care of concurrent access. You can use MySQL ++ as a library to access mysql from C ++ code. I only know about its existence, with no experience of using it, so I cannot tell you about the usability.



MySQL C-API is easy to use.



Try QtSql .

By the way, the question is very similar to this one



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