Check for newer version every time I visit a webpage - caching

I work in a college that uses an intranet based student management solution not developed by us.

Changes were recently made that forced us to install Internet Explorer to check for a new version of a web page every time it visits. Otherwise, certain pages will not work correctly, we will get old content, which will then lead to transaction errors. It was mostly a pain as it took a while to figure out what was going on and fix the issue for all users with locked accounts.

Anyway, how will this affect web page caching, will the content always be reloaded, or will the cache work for the most part?


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1 answer

It looks like you have no control over adding the Expires Header to the page while responding to the client. If you've done so, you can explicitly control how long the page is cached on the client. However, the client can override the Expires header by changing the setting in the browser . This is what you did. If you've configured your browser to always fetch the newest version of the page, the browser won't cache anything. You can tweak how much IE caches, but the best solution would be for the server to set the Expires header.



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