Linux console keyboard handler

Is it possible to write a C program that runs on the XFCE terminal until the user hits the Esc key? If so, how?


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4 answers

I would recommend that you learn ncurses , an API that is commonly used to implement this kind of keyboard reading in terminal / console applications. It shouldn't be necessary to do this depending on the platform.



The simplest solution is to press Ctrl-C in the terminal window. Your application will stop immediately, or you can handle the event with a SIGINT signal handler.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>

volatile int exit_loop;

void sig_hnd( void ){ exit_loop=1; }

int main(void){
  signal( SIGINT, (void (*)(int))sig_hnd );

  for( exit_loop=0; !exit_loop; ){
    puts( "do some work" );

  puts( "\nend of work\n" );




I think you are asking the wrong question. Why are you using an interactive terminal at all for a long running process? Why not just run as a daemon and log the "best" solution at regular intervals? The terminal is intended for interactive human use. There are better ways to handle software that should run for "months".



Switch terminal to non-canon mode



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