How to make each Treeview Node an associated textbox

I am trying to create a form where the user fills in values. It's quite long. I want to use an expandable tree to fit it into my one shape. Is there a way to give each TreeView a Node a TextBox beside it? Editing the Node text itself is not enough.


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3 answers

Is a textbox edit node? or for secondary data? If node, it can be editable (Edit / BeginEdit or whatever). If it were secondary data, I would be very tempted to do it in a single textbox that displays / edits the data for the currently selected node. Perhaps the text boxes will be confusing!

Alternatively, there are third party TreeView / Grid controls available from third parties. It might be good. Here is a (search TreeListView

) quick search (not a specific recommendation - just a search result).



You can create a textbox in TreeNode.Tag and then draw the textbox based on the actual position of the TreeNode.



Don't use useless third-party controls as they are native to Windows! (specifically the TreeListView which is native as of NT 3.5)



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