How do I return an array from a function from a LINQ anonymous list?

Basically, I want to have a generic function that takes a LINQ anonymous list and returns an array. I was hoping to use generics, but I just can get it to work.

hope the below example helps

Let's say I have a person object with id, fname, lname and dob. I have a generic class that contains a list of objects.

i returns an array of faces back

my code snippet would be something like

dim v = from p in persons.. select p.fname,p.lname


i is now anonymous type from system.collections.generic.ineumerable (of t)

to bind this to the grid I would have to iterate over and add to the array eg.

dim ar() as array

for each x in v

grid.datasource = ar


I don't want to constantly iterate as I might have different objects

I need a function that does something like below:

function getArrayList(of T)(dim x as T) as array()

    dim ar() as array

    for each x in t

    return ar


hope this clears up. how can I get a generic function with taking an anonymous list ienumearable and returning the array back. unfortunately the one I have is not working.

Thanks a lot in advance as all pointers / help will be INCLUDED.




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4 answers

You can bind the grid directly to an array of anonymous types. Here's an example:

        var qry = from a in Enumerable.Range(0, 100)
                  select new { SomeField1 = a, SomeField2 = a * 2, SomeField3 = a * 3 };
        object[] objs = qry.ToArray();
        dataGridView1.DataSource = objs;


Notice also the call to ToArray, which removes the need for a loop. I also assign it to the object type [] to demonstrate that you can pass it as your type if you like.



You just call ToArray . Of course the type is anonymous ... but because of type inference, you don't need to specify the type name.

From the example code:

    packages _
    .Select(Function(pkg) pkg.Company) _


The company turns out to be a string, but there is no reason why it cannot be anything.



Your question is a bit unclear, so I'm not sure how much my answers will help, but here goes ...

  • An anonymous type has a method scope , so you cannot return it from a function, at least not in a strongly typed form. You can use object

    and then re-create your anonymous type
    , but you'd be better off declaring a simple class with some automatic properties .
  • To convert IEnumerable

    to an array, just callToArray()

  • However, you can DataBind

    directly in IEnumerable

    , no need to convert it to an array
  • If the data you are dealing with may have different fields, you might be better off creating DataTable

    and binding it to your DataGrid.


I'm not sure if you can easily pass anonymous objects as parameters, more than you can get as return values.

I say it easily because:

[Try the code formatting option in your question (the button in the editor), this will make it easier to read the parts of your question that are code snippets.]



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