A tool for the semantic structure of a web page, not content

Does anyone know of any tools that allow you to distinguish between two web pages semantic markup and not content?



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2 answers

No, but you might have more success if you split it into two steps:

  • Remove content
  • Diff


You can try using the Pretty Diff tool. This would require some minor tweaking of the markup decoration component so that the content components are set to empty lines.

Take a look at http://prettydiff.com/markup_beauty.js

Change lines 554, 557 and 560 to:
build.push ("know the text");

These changes should really happen in the larger prettydiff.com/prettydiff.js, but now you know where to look. After that, you can run it all from your local.

Everything you need:

  • HTML http://prettydiff.com/
  • prettydiff.com/diffview.css
  • prettydiff.com/pd.js is the DOM interface between app and HTML
  • prettydiff.com/prettydiff.js is the actual application code.

I can write this concept of ignoring content in the tool as an option.



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