Wanted: An overview of library functions / issues / performance

I know there are several third-party collection libraries out there (C5, PowerCollections and I think it loads more than other not-so-complete libraries) as well as the System.Collections.Generics classes. However, I'm not sure which library to use when. I've tried C5 collections, but some sources claim that they are slower than the default collections.

What libraries are you using and why? Do you ever avoid the default (there are some collection types that are not supported, so it might be necessary sometimes).

Are you aware of any links to such reviews of third party libraries?

Basically I'm looking for anything that can shed some light on figuring out which library libraries to use when.

PS: I'm not looking for an explanation of when to use a linked list and when to use a dictionary. I am looking for a selection in the world of collectible libraries.


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1 answer

I think the choice of library depends on your need for a specific type of collection. Just because one library has a great list of links doesn't mean it has an amazing dictionary.

But with that being said, I tend to find PowerCollections as my original library to choose from because they work the same way as built-in collections. I like looking at the C5 source code, although they offer more abstraction and interesting algorithms.



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