Where can I get VB.net - WPF - Controlling the Trend of a Chart

We are trying to show 4 trend charts and will add data to them at a rate of about 1 point every second. As a result, each trend should show about 600 points.

We are currently using the graphics tools Syncfusion, but they cannot redraw the graphics at the required speed. I believe the problem is related to the fact that we are using the "graphing" tool and not the "trending" tool, so it redraws the entire line on every update.

The app works for the beast in the box: Dell 2950 with: two processors (Intel Xeon) with four cores, 2.99 GHz and 8 gigabytes.

Do you know where we can get the high speed trend? We recommend using WPF controls.


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3 answers

Look no further, use visifire .



You can use Graphit .
We use it and it is still smooth with 10 curves, each with about 5000 data points.



I'm not sure how well it will suit your needs, but you can take a look at http://www.visifire.com/
Visifire is an open source graphics element for Silverlight and WPF.



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