Html browsers

What is the difference in displaying xml data with html browser like firefox, internet exporer, netscape navigator, etc. in terms of displaying text, images, etc. on a computer screen?


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2 answers

The question is a bit confusing, since XML is the underlying technology, it doesn't define how to represent anything, so the question itself doesn't make much sense.

A regular xml file will appear as a collapsible text data tree, since any xml file is just a structured text file that follows basic and simple rules (like tag syntax, special characters, etc.).

As divo said, if you define a stylesheet inside xml that the IExplorer render will be the result of applying that stylesheet. This applies to both CSS stylesheets and XSLT transformation stylesheets.

Also, if your xml is actually xhtml, it will render as a normal HTML page. This is because IExplorer supports the XHTML specification, which is a standard defined using XML syntax.



some features of Internet Explorer (as opposed to simple text editors) are what you should know about them, eg. that white space is removed and empty tags are replaced with separate elements (becomes).

IE will also execute any XSL stylesheet included in your XML.



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