RegEx to match text and enclosed curly braces

I need to loop through all matches, for example the following line:

<a href='/Product/Show/{ProductRowID}'>{ProductName}</a>

I want to capture values ​​in {} including them, so I want {ProductRowID} and {ProductName}

Here is my code:

Dim r As Regex = New Regex("{\w*}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Dim m As Match = r.Match("<a href='/Product/Show/{ProductRowID}'>{ProductName}</a>")


Is my RegEx pattern correct? How do I loop through the values? I feel like it should be very easy, but I was stumped this morning!


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3 answers

There is a small detail missing in your template:



Moving braces must be shielded, and you want to unwanted star, or your first (and only) match will be as follows: "{ProductRowID}'>{ProductName}"


Dim r As Regex = New Regex("\{\w*?\}")
Dim input As String = "<a href='/Product/Show/{ProductRowID}'>{ProductName}</a>"
Dim mc As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(input, r)
For Each m As Match In mc
Next m



not required because this particular regex is case insensitive.



You can simply group your matches using a regex as shown below:

<a href='/Product/Show/(.+)'\>(.+)</a>


This way you have $ 1 and $ 2 corresponding to the values ​​you want.

You also give the names of your matches so that they are not anonymous / position oriented for searches:

<a href='/Product/Show/(?<rowid>.+)'\>(?<name>.+)</a>




Change the RegEx template to \{\w*\}

then it will match as you expect.

You can test it with the RegEx online tester .



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