Tortoisesvn on the web server

Is there a way to add a repository to my linux shared hosting for use with tortoisesvn? Or is there something like that I can do as simple as using a turtle without buying hosting strictly for the repository like cvsdude or something?


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2 answers

If you are unable to install new software on your shared host, you either need to start a server that you can manage (for example, an old Linux machine is connected to your router with NAT port forwarding and a DynDNS alias so you can access your repository while on the road), or you will have to use a commercial provider. These guys have a free plan that looks like you can get started. (Never tried this provider, its only one of the first that comes up when searching.)



Here are instructions for configuring Apache to serve an SVN repository .

Personally, I have a home computer that runs svnserve

on a port that I have opened on my router. It's great for small projects.



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