How to achieve hidden status bar with three20 frame

I am using TTThumbsViewController section in tr20 structure and I have status bar hidden in my application.

When the user views the full size image, removes the screen (hiding the controls), when they click again, the controls reappear, but the status bar is also present.

I went through the entire library and was unable to isolate the section where this is happening. I would love it if someone could point me in the right direction.




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2 answers

I found it hidden in UIViewControllerAdditions.m, which is called by TTPhotoViewController.m.


- (void)showBars:(BOOL)show animated:(BOOL)animated {
  //[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:!show animated:animated];




It doesn't look like this. Or at least you didn't answer your original question. ShowBars is not used to show or hide the status bar, but to show and hide navbar items.

Unless you are of course talking about adding this piece of code that you commented in showBars. This code doesn't even show up in my version of Three20's code.



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