Need to explain why checkboxes look funky in Safari

Everyone in my office uses a Mac and therefore uses Safari.

We have a page that has 30 checkboxes, I didn't even do the HTML myself, but no matter if I use the html input checkbox with a label or asp: Checkbox usig the text property for the label my boss is annoyed because the checkbox is slightly below center labels.

I can only assume it has something to do with Sarari and his ghost rendering. I doubt there is a fix that is not extremely difficult (if there is, please let me know). I didn't even do the html myself, I submitted it.

I tried to explain to him that safari "is", but this is not acceptable. I googled to see if anyone else has encountered such a problem (I haven't tried googling, although I figured I was just asking you guys). What should I do when you are faced with such a problem, when he insists on the inadmissibility of such an insignificant? Am I approaching this the wrong way? I mean the HTML is quite sane here:

    <li><asp:CheckBox  CssClass="checkbox" runat="server" Text="Accessories" /></li>
    <li><asp:CheckBox  CssClass="checkbox" runat="server" Text="Art" /></li>
    <li><asp:CheckBox  CssClass="checkbox" runat="server" Text="Athletic Apparel" /></li>
    <!-- etc... -->


How can I explain it to him as he understands?


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2 answers

Wow, I didn't even notice that the box was slightly below the text until you mentioned it. you can get around this in CSS:

label {
    vertical-align: bottom;


aligns text for checkboxes for me (Safari 3.2.1)



I'm not sure about the Safari and checkbox issue, but I ran into a situation where the boss or client is focusing on something that doesn't seem to be a problem.

The way I handle this says something similar: "I can research this issue and try to find a solution or workaround, but it will probably take me x hours / days."

I let them decide if they want me to spend x hours / days releasing them or use that time for actual development.



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