Has anyone seen a good asp.net mvc month events calendar

I am migrating site from asp to asp.net-mvc.

I used asp code of 3rd party event. does anyone know of a good asp.net mvc event calendar where i see month view and it will show events in date cells.


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2 answers

I skipped server rendering and went straight for jmonthcalendar

It is fairly easy to hook a month view into a controller action method.

You also need to do a bit of work with the jquery-history plugin (or something similar) to enable browser support, and links to specific months / dates.

And no, this is not exactly what you asked, but what I ended up doing in your situation, and I am quite happy with the result.



There is another solution - dhtmlx scheduler for .Net MVC which is a .Net adaptation of dhtmlxScheduler library (arguably the best javascript event calendar)



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