How to add a form to an Excel sheet?

How to add an input form to an Excel sheet. I want to insert values ​​into an Excel cell using a form.


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4 answers

ALT + F11 launches the VBA editor in Excel. There you can create UserForms (Insert | UserForm), which you can bundle into your own modules or attach to worksheets.

I suggest you check out the Excel or MSDN help for details on what you can do with UserForms. This section also has many VBA tutorials on the web. Google is your friend.





Cool trick. I never knew he existed. I had to look a bit, but you can do it in Excel 2007 too.

  • Click the "Office" button, select "Excel Options", go to the "Settings" tab
  • Select "Commands Not on the Ribbon" from the "Select Commands From" dropdown
  • Find "Form" in the list and click "Add", then click "OK"

At this point, the Forms command will appear on the Quick Access Toolbar next to the Save and Undo / Redo icons.



There is a quick and dirty way to create simple forms in Excel. No VBA required.

First, create a table with the basic format you want.


    A    B    C
1   Name Age  Favourite Animal
2   Jane 11   Horse


Select a range and choose Data | Form. (This is in Excel 2003.)

It will open a simple form that allows you to navigate, create, delete, and search.



You need to activate the form bar.
Of course IIRC, the form must be handled by VBA code.



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