Stepping through Ruby code at runtime OS X

I would like to go through Ruby code at runtime, but it seems difficult to find a decent Ruby IDE for OS X that allows you to do this. I would prefer one that uses the OS look and feel (Cocoa).

Can anyone make a suggestion?

The main feature I'm looking for is the ability to walk through the code, not much more. I have a TextMate for editing.


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5 answers

Many OSX text editors seem to work well with Ruby, and in some cases, like TextMate, were built for Ruby.

But if you buy an IDE check out Netbeans. Its Ruby support is fantastic. Lots of nice little things to help you appreciate it.

As for navigating through the code:

One-step or run through Ruby code and ERB files. Set breakpoints, look under local variables, step over call stack, switch threads. Hover over the variable in the editor to evaluate expressions and show them in a tooltip. The NetBeans IDE supports the Fast Ruby Debugger, which also works with JRuby. You can even attach a debugger to any remote process launched from the command line, and get all the benefits of the fronten friendly debugger



Personally, I use TextMate, which is amazing, but I've heard good things about RubyMine from JetBrains -



Aptana RadRails - Free eclipse based, also makes regular ruby. you won't get osx ui, but it will work. It's not bad either.



You might want to try Komodo Edit , which is more in line with TextMate than the full version of IDE says like Aptana RadRails. It doesn't have things like debugging or interactive shells, but you can run scripts from the editor and have all the code completion features you'd expect from an IDE. And it looks very nice and FREE. =)



I would recommend TextMate as above, as well as MacVim if possible. Sometimes the simplicity of a good text editor is better than an IDE.



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