What software do I use to place the floppy disks as images on the hard drive?

I still have a large number of floppy disks. Some of them probably have source code that I don't want to lose. I also don't want to look at each one separately, as it will take a long time. What software would be best for copying all data to the hard drive, preferably while creating the index at the same time?

I'll also be interested in the flippies layout for creating images, but it doesn't have to be on the same machine.

The goal is to finally get rid of all those floppy boxes. I was asking about images, since xcopy doesn't copy all (hidden?) Sectors, does it? Is xxcopy better?

I don't want to enter a name for every floppy disk.

Disk Utility on Mac probably requires too many keyboard or mouse actions, but might be app appcriptcriptable


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7 replies

Here is the script I used in my Linux box to do the same type of task. Basically I just have a raw image of each drive in a folder. I had another script that I ran later, each one mounted each one, and dropped the directory listing into a file.


while true
  echo "Press a key to create an image of the next floppy"
  read -n 1

  dd if=$floppydev of=/dev/null count=1 2> /dev/null
  #if the disk isn't in the drive then wait
  while [ $errlvl -ne 0 ]
    sleep 1
    dd if=$floppydev of=/dev/null count=1 2> /dev/null

  filename=$(date +'img-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.flp')

  if [ ! -f $savepath/$filename ]
    echo "creating image as $filename"
    dd if=$floppydev of=$savepath/$filename

    if [ $errlvl -ne 0 ]
      echo 'the image copy failed!'
      rm -i $savepath/$filename
      mlabel -s -i $savepath/$filename ::
      md5sum $savepath/$filename > $savepath/$filename.md5
      echo "copy complete"
      echo " "





Use rawread and rawrite.

There may be various implementations, the first one I found: http://www.pamarsystems.com/raw.html



I've used WinImage with satisfactory results.



On OS X, maybe you can just use DD?



I'm not too sure about your purpose. Anyway, you need a robot, inserting floppies, copying, etc .:-)

I would just create a bunch of empty folders, insert the disc, select everything and drag and drop to the nth folder. Or, use something like xcopy or xxcopy to recursively transfer data from a floppy disk to a folder. Etc.



DOS? Why don't you just create yourself a batch file that creates a new folder in a prescribed location called the current timestamp and copies the contents of your floppy disk. This way you can watch TV while you insert the floppies and run the batch file. As long as you put them on disk in a known order, you can determine which one will sort the resulting folders by timestamp.

Not sure what the equivalent will be on Mac, but I'm sure there is one.

Edit: I think everything you need is in here



On a Mac, you could probably use Disk Utility to convert floppy disks to DMG files, but I haven't had a Mac floppy drive for years, so I can't test this theory.



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