Retrieving field attributes using reflection in C #

I wrote a method that retrieves fields from an object like this:

private static string GetHTMLStatic(ref Object objectX, ref List<string> ExludeFields)
    Type objectType = objectX.GetType();
    FieldInfo[] fieldInfo = objectType.GetFields();

    foreach (FieldInfo field in fieldInfo)
            DisplayOutput += GetHTMLAttributes(field);

    return DisplayOutput;


Each field in my class also has its own attributes, in this case my attribute is called HTMLAttributes. Inside the foreach loop, I am trying to get the attributes for each field and their corresponding values. It currently looks like this:

private static string GetHTMLAttributes(FieldInfo field)
    string AttributeOutput = string.Empty;

    HTMLAttributes[] htmlAttributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HTMLAttributes), false);

    foreach (HTMLAttributes fa in htmlAttributes)
        //Do stuff with the field attributes here.

    return AttributeOutput;


My attribute class looks like this:

                AllowMultiple = true)]
public class HTMLAttributes : System.Attribute
    public string fieldType;
    public string inputType;

    public HTMLAttributes(string fType, string iType)
        fieldType = fType.ToString();
        inputType = iType.ToString();


It seems logical, but it won't compile, I have a red squiggly line in the GetHTMLAttributes () method under:

field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HTMLAttributes), false);


The field I'm trying to extract the attributes in is in another class used like this:

[HTMLAttributes("input", "text")]
public string CustomerName;


From my understanding (or lack thereof), this should work? Please expand my developer thoughts!

* Edit, compiler error :

Cannot implicitly convert type 'object []' to 'data.HTMLAttributes []'. Explicit conversion exists (are you missing a listing?)

I tried to do it like this:

(HTMLAttributes)field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HTMLAttributes), false);


But that doesn't work either, I get this compiler error:

Cannot convert type 'object []' to 'data.HTMLAttributes'


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1 answer


returns the value object[]

, not HTMLAttributes[]

. The reason it returns object[]

is because it has been around since 1.0 before .NET generics see the light of day.

You have to manually cast each item in the return value before HTMLAttributes


To fix your code, you just need to change the line to:

object[] htmlAttributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HTMLAttributes), false);



will take care of you.


You shouldn't be passing the returned array to HTMLAttributes[]

. The return value is not equal HTMLAttributes[]

. It is a object[]

containing elements of type HTMLAttributes

. If you want a typed object HTMLAttribute[]

(which you don't need in this particular piece of code, foreach

), you must allocate each element of the array individually before HTMLAttribute

; perhaps using LINQ:

HTMLAttributes[] htmlAttributes = returnValue.Cast<HTMLAttributes>().ToArray();




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