Change the title bar of a Windows executable

I am creating an application like resource hacker. I want to change the title text of a window whose handle I can find out with SPY ++.

Is there any way I can make changes to the build resources and change the header in my code so that the changes are permanent.

Are there free or commercial tools like my program? which can change the header text of the Windows executable and put it back together.

Yam is open to suggestions.

Iam using VC ++ to code my application.


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3 answers

In my browser, the title bar is "Change Windows Executable Title Bar - OVerflow Stack - Opera". Please explain how you can fix this using the resource.

It is now possible, but not through a resource. You need to create a DLL that sets the signature and intercepts any attempt to install it. Changing the header is done by sending WM_SETTEXT to the HWND. Hence, your DLL will need to hook up WndProc for the main window class and discard the WM_SETTEXT messages.

The next step is to add your DLL to the EXE DLL dependencies list. You need to add your DLL to the IAT, but you don't need to import anything. The format is well described by Matt Pietrec in In Depth Look in the Win32 Portable Executable File



You are striving for something impossible that can only be achieved in very few special cases. You can change exectuable resources using APIs eg. BeginUpdateResource , UpdateResource , etc. Only a few applications store windows / dialogs as a resource, however, windows are created at runtime and the text is hardcoded into executable code or string resources (or perhaps something else like .NET or Borland VCL). Changing executable files constantly varies from very difficult to impossible, depending on the specific application.



For more information, see the MSDN Resource Overview page .



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