How do I include the restful_authentication plugin in my git repository?

How can I add the plugin to a Rails project and push it to the git repository? I need this to be project related.

I tried several times but it was ignored by git.



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3 answers

From the README:

  • either use git clone git: // restful_authentication
  • or rename the plugins directory as restful_authentication after extracting it.

You did it?

After doing a git clone, you'll want to rm -rf restful_authentication/.git

make the project happy to add it (or use submodules).



In any case, the git status doesn't tell you anything to add, it's as if it doesn't see.



@Dustin most likely nailed your problem.

Also note that if you don't already have a "lib" directory in your project, I found that the generator will fail with an error:

ruby script/generate authenticated user sessions 


So first mkdir lib.

I posted a restful_authentication + openid narration that covers these details and might help a little.



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