How do I change the BlackBerry volume or mute the sound?

My current code:

int volume = Alert.getVolume(); // reads 100


It does not change the volume setting as it should. Even a call Alert.mute(true);

does not have any good effect. Audio.setVolume(0);

doesn't work either!

I am running this on Curve 8310. I have another piece of software that successfully manages to lower the volume significantly. I suppose I am doing something wrong. Any idea?


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3 answers

If you want to play sound using Alert :

class Scr extends MainScreen implements FieldChangeListener {    
 ButtonField mVolumeUp;
 ButtonField mVolumeDown;
 ButtonField mPlay;
 LabelField mVolumeLabel;
 int mVolumeValue = 50;
 private static final short[] tune = new short[] { 466, 125, 10, 466 };

 public Scr() {
 mVolumeLabel = new LabelField("Volume: " + mVolumeValue);
     mVolumeUp = new ButtonField("Vol Up", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);
     mVolumeDown = new ButtonField("Vol Down", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);
     mPlay = new ButtonField("Play", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);

 public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
     if (mVolumeUp == field) {
         if (mVolumeValue <= 90)
      mVolumeValue += 10;
      mVolumeLabel.setText("Volume: " + mVolumeValue);
  } else if (mVolumeDown == field) {
      if (mVolumeValue >= 10)
   mVolumeValue -= 10;
      mVolumeLabel.setText("Volume: " + mVolumeValue);
  } else if (mPlay == field) {
      Alert.startAudio(tune, mVolumeValue);


Tested on RIM 4.5 8310 Trainer



If you are using a class javax.microedition.lcdui.Alert

this might be your problem. Try looking at the class net.rim.device.api.notification.NotificationsManager

and other package classes / interfaces.

An easy / polite way though is to just ask the user to manually change user profiles. If I set my blackberry to silence and some application makes a crazy noise (or no noise at all if I'm expecting an important call), I will uninstall that application as soon as possible.



Some functions in blackberry (but not in emulator) only work with signed code. I'm not sure if this is about volume, but I wouldn't be surprised when it was.



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