The problem of using Selenium to automate the feedback that is inside the ASP.NET UpdatePanel

I have a GridView with sorting enabled inside an UpdatePanel. I used Selenium IDE to record a test that clicks on a table sort link, but when I try to run the test it gets stuck at the click command. Looking at the log I see:

[info] Executing: |click | link=Name | | 
[error] Timed out after 30000ms 


I haven't tried this with Selenium-RC yet, I don't know if it will be otherwise. I don't want Selena to wait for anything. Any ideas on how to get around this?



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2 answers

when using selenium + Ajax (or the page just refreshes under certain conditions).

I usually use:


or I recently created the following code (the page uses frames).

    public bool AccessElementsOnDynamicPage(string frame, Predicate<SeleniumWrapper> condition)
        DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime timeOutTime = currentTime.AddMinutes(6);
        while (currentTime < timeOutTime)
                if (condition(this))
                    return true;
            catch (SeleniumException)
                //TODO: log exception
                currentTime = DateTime.Now;
        return false;

    public bool WaitUntilIsElementPresent(string frame, string locator)
        return AccessElementsOnDynamicPage(frame, delegate(SeleniumWrapper w)
            return w.IsElementPresent(locator);


    public bool WaitUntilIsTextPresent(string frame, string pattern)
        return AccessElementsOnDynamicPage(frame, delegate(SeleniumWrapper w)
            return w.IsTextPresent(pattern);


You will soon get to the point where you need an integrated RC selenium server in your development environment, so I recommend you read: How to make selenium tests less fragile?

It is pending, but for specific elements that should be (or appear) on the page.



Thanks for the link Dave.

I found the answer in this post: Selenium IDE click () timeout. Not exactly what I wanted to do, but it works.



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