Mark required fields on the form if they are not filled in with a valid value

if you are creating a new dataset, required fields that are not yet set are marked with a red line.

it seems like only string values ​​(or multiple fields, but at least not integers) are marked this way.

if whole links are used (based on 1), the corresponding fields are filled with 0 by default, which causes the red line to disappear.

is there a way to leave these fields blank by default?

thanks for the tips!


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2 answers

For integer and real fields, you can set the property ShowZero

to No (for a control or extended data type). Then zero values ​​will appear with a red wave line.

For new basic enumerations, leave an empty value of zero (by the conventional name, this is None).



Dynamics Ax has no concept of "null" for fields. It uses some "null" values ​​for all data types - so you need to use a different NoYes field to express what you want, if 0 is not empty.



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