Easy way to run ASP.Net application at home?

I would like to run some small private / home applications on my local machine, but I don't like the idea of โ€‹โ€‹creating a full Win2003 server with IIS for that.

Is there an easy and cheap way to make my ASP.Net application work at home?


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5 answers

Windows 2000 has ASP, Windows XP Professional can run it as well. See how to enable IIS, the embedded web server. Sure, a Win2k3 server would be better implemented, but for personal items any of them works.



The easiest way, if your desktop supports OS, supports Microsoft Web Platform Installer . Requires XP or higher, but does not work on home editions of XP or Vista. It will install IIS (which version depends on your OS), SQL Server 2008 Express, .NET Framework, Visual Web Developer 2008 Express, ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight, etc. There's even a video on the linked page that shows you how to set it all up.



Try web developer VIsual Studio 2008 Express. It's free and better than most than not. It comes with a built-in web server so you can quickly compile, deploy, and test. No need for IIS.




Depending on which application and which .Net version you can run Cassini. It is a free, open source web server that supports .NET. I'm not sure if it was updated to handle 3.5, but I used at home to run some pretty loaded 2.0 apps I wrote.

Here's an updated version of Ultidev: http://www.ultidev.com/products/Cassini/ It looks like it will handle 3.5, so pretty much everything you have.



I have been running .NET applications on my home machine (XP) for years and ASP applications for years before. Just install IIS and then .NET frameworks (and whatever you need like MVC) and you're good to go. If your computer is behind a router, you will need to move port 80 to your desktop. If you don't have a static IP, you can use a free service like DynDNS.org to give you a hostname, and you run a small client to have the DNS for that hostname point to your router's IP address. If you want to use your own hostname, register it with someone like GoDaddy.com and then use a free service like ZoneEdit.com to update the DNS with the correct IP address.



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