What's the deal with ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview 2?

I am trying to get the MVCToolkit while running an ASP.NET MVC beta application and encountering an unresolved reference to System.Web.Extensions version 3.6 (ASP.NET MVC beta comes with System.Web.Extensions version 3.5). All my google searches point to a broken download link on Microsoft website: ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview 2


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2 answers

The toolkit is now in Microsoft.Web.Mvc, also called Futures. If it is not confusing, then it will not evolve from the platform.

Anyway - the toolkit is no longer a "toolbox" - it's part of the platform (for the most part), and if you have a beta, you already have it. Just make sure the Micrsoft.Web.Mvc dll is in your container.



I believe System.Web.Extensions v3.6 is part of .Net 3.5 Service Pack 1?



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