Visual Studio 2008 Addin to add menu item to Project Popup menu

I am trying to create an Addin for Visual Studio 2008 IDE. The first step is to add a menu item to the project context menu in the Project Explorer (where I want to add the Add My Link menu item along with the Add Link and Add Web Link menus)

I can add a menu item to the main menu of the Project Commandbar, but not to the context menu in the Project Explorer.

Can anyone help me with this?


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1 answer

There are two parts to the answer.

First . I suggest you explore DXCore

DXCore is the foundation on which CodeRush Xpress, CodeRush and RefactorPro are built. This should help emphasize his trust.

However, DXCore is completely free to download and use (like CodeRush Xpress) without any fees

The reason I suggest this framework is because it abstracts away many of the complexities of creating a Studio addin without removing the DTE access if you need to.

How it helps you Using this structure, you can simply drag and drop an action component onto your plugin design surface and set a few properties to pop up a menu item in the project's context menu. See this blogpost to learn about the actions . This follows how to create a simple plugin .

Secondly . I would like to point out a plugin I previously wrote that, although not identical to what you are doing, appears to be close and perhaps serves as a good example of what can be achieved with DXCore.

The example I mean is called QuickAddReference and is described here

Also note that the entire source is free and that several other plugins are all based on DXCore and provide many other objects.



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