Delphi <2009, Unicode replacement for JvAppStorage

I am looking for a better option for storing my application settings. I decided to write my own class that inherits from TPersistent, which will retain all available configuration options. I'm currently looking for a better way to save it - and I found JvAppStorage which looked very promising (since I'm still using JVCL in my project ...), but it doesn't handle unicode (WideStrings) as expected. For XML files, it stores characters as entities, as the ini file seems to be saved in order, but in both cases, loading strings replaces the text with a lot of question marks ...

Is there a good replacement that handles Unicode as well?

Thanks in advance.


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3 answers

Recently converted to JSON from ini files (and awful xml!) For storage setup. It's just so convenient and flexible. See SuperObject .



It is commonly used to use UTF-8 as the representation of Unicode data on disk. In your code, use a data type Utf8String

to store data encoded in such a way that you remember that you will need to convert it before using it in the rest of your application.



I am using MSXML to store settings for each user in a personal directory on the web. It should handle Unicode too.



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