Spring: How can you declare name / value pairs outside of the map?

I need to set a set of name / value pairs inside my application - effectively representing a many-to-many map (ie keys can have multiple values ​​and vice versa), so Hashtable and Hashmap don't really work for me.

I would like to declare them via Spring in a format similar <props>

, but of course this won't work directly because Properties extends the Hashtable itself.

IE, I want to be able to declare something like this:



inside a property - but can't use <map>, <props>

and can't see a good way to use <set>

or <list>

. Any bright ideas?

I don't necessarily need the syntax above; but for now, since I originally implemented this code with HashMap, since the actual data structure is set by Spring. After finding my 1-1 card, it really is 1-many or even many-many, here I am.



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1 answer

How do I set your records as simple strings and decode the key and value?

public void setData(String[] data) {
    // split each data element into key and value at the comma

<property name="data">


This works more, but you end up with compact XML.



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