WYSIWYG HTML editor for custom cms

I'm looking for a nice and easy-to-use WYSIWYG HTML editor that I can integrate into a CMS that is currently being developed for a client. I am doing CMS development in PHP and website. The editor will have a visual and code look. Thanks for ur help.


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2 answers

CKEditor is a good choice ( http://ckeditor.com/ )

I have also used TinyMCE.

Both should be heavily modified to suit your needs, but the good thing is it's relatively easy to set up and integrate into just about any system.



CKEditor and TinyMCE are great editors.

I would also add to the list:

  • NicEdit is very easy to integrate, but has a couple of drawbacks - basically that the editable area is in a div, not an iframe, so you might run into some css leak.
  • Xinha - which I haven't really used, but it seems to be a pretty reliable package.


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