Replacing data column in text files with Linux command

I have several text files with lines separated by tabs. The second column contains invalid data. How can I change everything in the second column to a specific text string?


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3 answers

awk ' { $2="<STRING>"; print } ' <FILENAME>




cat INFILE | perl -ne '$ln=$_;@x=split(/","/); @a=split(/","/, $ln,8);@b=splice(@a,0,7);  $l=join("\",\"", @b); $r=join("\",\"", splice(@x,8)); print "$l\",\"10\",\"$r"'


This is an example that changes the 10th column to "10". I prefer this since I don't have to count the matching parentheses like in the sed method.



Simple and cheap hack:

 cat INFILE | sed 's/\(.*\)\t\(.*\)\t\(.*\)/\1\tREPLACEMENT\t\3/' > OUTFILE



 echo -e 'one\ttwo\tthree\none\ttwo\tthree' | sed 's/\(.*\)\t\(.*\)\t\(.*\)/\1\tREPLACEMENT\t\3/'



 one    two three
 one    two three


and produces

 one    REPLACEMENT three
 one    REPLACEMENT three




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