How to convert input hours, minutes, seconds

In my model, I have a "duration" attribute (in seconds as an integer). But new / edit views have input for: hours, minutes, seconds.

Should I have (attr_accessor: hours ,: minutes ,: seconds) in the model, how can I convert these virtual attributes to my "duration" attribute? Arriving from Java, I would set / getter to "duration"!


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1 answer

You can set a before_save filter to calculate its value from the values โ€‹โ€‹of your virtual accessories (hours, minutes and seconds). Something like:

class Model << AR:Base

  attr_accessor :hours, :minutes, :seconds
  before_save :update_duration

  def update_duration
     duration = = hours*3600 + minutes*60 + secods



It's a little rough, but should give you an idea of โ€‹โ€‹how it might work. Whenever you call the Save method on the model (or when creating or updating actions), the filter will be called before accessing the BD, updating it, and then proceeding correctly.



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