How should a user send mail from their website to me in 2.0

On my website, I want to provide a link through which a user can send emails to me.


source to share

3 answers

Simple MailTo

<a href="">mail me</a>


MailTo with multiple recipients

<a href=",ASTARK1@UNL.EDU">mail me</a>


MailTo with theme

<a href=" from MailTo Syntax Page">mail me</a>


MailTo with copy

<a href="">mail me</a>


MailTo with blind copy

<a href="">mail me</a>


MailTo with message already running in the body

<a href=" am having trouble finding information on ">mail me</a>


MailTo with multi-line message in body

<a href=" message first paragraph.%0A%0aSecond paragraph.%0A%0AThird Paragraph.">mail me</a>
NOTE: Use "%0A" for a new line, use "%0A%0A" for a new line preceded by a blank line.


Features can be used in combination

MailTo with Subject, Recipient, Cc and Blind Cc

<a href=" Comments&cc=ASTARK1@UNL.EDU&bcc=id@internet.node">mail me</a>


It is recommended that you use a process other than MailTo the email process from your website.

If you are using MailTo, please encode the included email addresses to reduce spam for that address.




<a href="">Mail me</a>


When a user clicks on the link link that will appear on your website, a default email will open with the email address in the "To" field.

This has nothing to do with 2.0 - it will work on any web page in any web browser, no matter how the web page is created.



If you don't want to show your email address to spammers, I would recommend creating a contact form (using a CAPTCHA) and using the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage

and classes System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient




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